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Purifiedwater, ultrapurewate difference

Publisher: Suzhou Huanke Pharmaceutical Equipment Technology Co., Ltd Time:2023-03-07 15:45:58 Number of clicks:270 Close
1. The degree of difficulty in manufacturing is different.
At present, the pure water used in the market is basically through reverse osmosis, distillation and other methods. Purified water is pharmaceutical water prepared by distillation, ion exchange, reverse osmosis or other suitable methods. And ultra-pure water is on the basis of pure water but also through a series of complex purification technology such as photooxidation technology, fine treatment and polishing treatment, such water is difficult to reach the degree of the general process, through the double-stage reverse osmosis water treatment equipment supplemented by EDI equipment, you can prepare ultra-pure water.

2. Indicators such as heavy metals, bacteria and particle number are also very different.

The impurity content of pure water is ppm, while that of ultra-pure water is ppb. In addition to water molecules, there are almost no impurities, bacteria, viruses, chlorinated dioxins and other organic matter, and of course there are no mineral trace elements needed by the human body, close to the theoretical water, that is, the removal of almost all atoms except oxygen and hydrogen.
3. The requirements for conveying pipeline materials are also different
Ultrapure water and purified water have more stringent requirements on the material of the pipeline than pure water.
4. Different electrical conductivity.
The conductivity of pure water is between 2-10us/cm, the conductivity of purified water is less than 0.2us/cm, and the conductivity of ultra-pure water is 0.056us/cm.
5. Different uses.
Pure water is mainly used in biology, chemical industry, metallurgy, aerospace, electric power and other fields.
Purified water is commonly used for medicinal purposes.
Ultra-pure water is generally used in electronics, electric power, electroplating, lighting electrical appliances, laboratories, food, paper making, daily chemical, building materials, paint, battery, laboratory, biology, pharmaceutical, petroleum, chemical, steel, glass and other fields.